In Sirmione, in the heart of the pearl of Garda, Caffe’ Grande Italia is considered one of the few historical establishment of Italy that hasn’t changed over the years. It’s passed down from generation to generation since the ’20s until today. Bar Italia, an endearing name by its visitors, was a meeting place for illustrious figures from Queen Margherita to Gabriele D’Annunzio who were influential to Italian history. A simple and elegant place, where you can get drinks or sip a coffee and enter a part of Italian history.

Defending culture

In a moment of our time in which it seems to be the fashion to destroy the past and the pre-existing values of contemporary society; in this phase of our life in which a general crisis of the ideologies dominates in our country and all over the world, what is the reason to defend, to recuperate and relaunch historical bars, restaurants and hotels? First of all, it is the defence of civilization. It is not mere preservation of the past. It means to rediscover a certain spirit, a particular vitality, ad it is also the will to compare the past with the present. I am thinking of the possibility to reflect sitting in front of a cup of coffee, and also I am thinking of the pleasure of conversation, is so rare today because of the frantic Times. It is a free from of culture in a country that is free and has to remain free.

One of the first images of Caffè Grande Italia (1925)

The small museum of hospitality: Curiosities, Mysteries, Delicacies

Enrico e Claudio Guagnini

You can book the room where Kim Basinger or Madonna have slept or the one where Churchill or Pirandello have spent one or more nights. You can sit at the table where Casanova or Wagner have sat, as well as Puccini or Cavour. The lovers of history can pause where Garibaldi stopped: at the old "osteria" Bai in Genova Quarto or at the cafe' Posta in Sondrio. You will be able to travel all over Italy by following this Guide of historical cafe's, bars, restaurants and hotels. More than a hundred taverns, inns and typical "trattorie" of the past have disappeared to make room for more profitable businesses. They are fashionable boutiques today, or fast-food restaurants or convention halls. Their history was swept away for a handful of pounds. It is sufficient to remember the inn Cassina de 'Pomm in Milan, where Giacomo Casanova's most scandalous and lustful amorous adventure (the charming Zenobia's wedding) took place; the restaurant and cafe' Doney in Florence, where Hitler and Mussolini lunched together to start the Axis; the cafe' Aragno in Rome, which was a theatre for controversies, quarrels and duels between the intellectuals, the journalists and the politicians at the beginning of the century; the restaurant Tram in Lodi, when it was a station for horse drawn trams and Carducci used to spend long hours correcting his students' papers in the waiting-room. More than one hundred and twenty historical bars, restaurants and hotels still survive, each of them proudly maintaining and continuing its history with "objects d'art", antiques and recollections of famous, bizarre, brilliant and mysterious personages. The list of celebrities that frequented these bars and hotels is endless and includes names of celebrated people such as film stars, writers and vips from the world of music and culture. Having a cup of coffee, a drink or a meal, or spending at least one night there is enough to enjoy the spirituality and the memory as well as the exceptional atmosphere of places representing the continuity of the past. It is also worth visiting the sur-rounding areas where other and more monumental traces of the past are to be seen, because these historical bars, restaurants and hotels are often situated in small and large sites of incomparable landscape and artistical beauty.

For the centenary of the Caffè Grande Italia

Mario Arduino

The lOOth anniversary of the business started by Mr. Angelo Cracco leads to serene reminiscences of that time in Sirmione when adult people spent their life rowing while the younger generation entrusted their first dreams to the sails of the big boats transporting firewood in their holds. The images appear of the genteel Mrs. Maddalena, of her hard-working daughter Angiolina, of her willful grandchild Carlo, while the echoes of everlasting poetry flow over the rooms of the Caffè Grande Italia. The Caffè Grande Italia can be considered an ancient symbol of that hospitality which is typical of all the inhabitants of the peninsula. May the young Mario Pagiaro carry on with this noble tradition which brightened Gaio Valerio Catullo's days in the "venusta Sirmio".

La terrazza in 1936

Caffè Grande Italia: timeless magic

Michele Nocera

Going back into the history of the Caffè Grande Italia is going backwards into the most significant pages of the history of Sirmione. The business of the bar developed when tourism first appeared on the shores of Catullo's penisula. Well-known people and more ordinary people have stopped at the tables of the Caffè Grande Italia, ali of them attracted by a peculiar quality of this place which is unique: "It makes you feel at home". This is what makes the Caffè Grande Italia so special. It is an old place, but it does not look it. Maybe this is the reason why the "Bar Italia", as the local people affectionately call it, is always highly appreciated and considered the most excellent coffee-bar in Sirmione. Simple and refined at the same time, it has never been regarded as a place for the e'lite, though it offers a first-class service. Famous people have left their traces here. They did not frequent the Caffè Grande Italia only for a drink and for its hospitable atmosphere; they often had the chance to converse, to exchange their opinions with others and to make good friends. History is not confutable! The Caffè Grande Italia was, is and will still be a meeting-place for the future generations thanks to its ideal position, both physically, in the heart of "the pearl of Lake Garda", and also in everybody's memory.

Onori ed oneri!

Mario Pagiaro

Being the last ring of a chain and also the present owner and manager of the Caffe Grande Italia I feel deeply honoured to keep up this old family tradition. Yet, I am perfectly aware of the heavy responsabilities I am going to undertake, so I feel obliged to grant the utmost professionality to the image of this place in the future. Reminiscences and recollections of the past will be a stimulous to improve more and more ways to welcome the guests of the Caffe Grande Italia. In particular, I would like to thank my uncle, Professor Michele Nocera, who especially contributed to the publication of this present edition with much interest and personal devotion.

The text, the notes, the subtitles were provided by Prof. Michele Nocera and belong to his archives.

Special thanks:
Senatore Giovanni Spadolini
Mario Arduino, Sindaco di Sirmione
Guagnini Dott. Enrico, Segretario Ass. Locali Storici d'Italia
Raffaella Doneddu - Cinzia Vignozzi, traduzioni
Arredamenti Gabana

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